Cosmetic Dentistry

At Canyon Dental in Lewiston and Clarkston, we understand the importance of a beautiful smile. Dr. Joe Schmidt and our experienced team are dedicated to providing top-quality cosmetic dentistry services that can transform your smile and boost your confidence. From teeth whitening to dental veneers and everything in between, we offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic dental procedures that can help you achieve your dream smile. In this blog post, we will explore what cosmetic dentistry is, what it encompasses, and why it's crucial to choose a cosmetic dentist for your cosmetic dentistry needs.

What is Cosmetic Dentistry?

Cosmetic dentistry refers to the branch of dentistry that focuses on improving the appearance of your teeth, gums, and smile. While general dentistry primarily focuses on oral health and hygiene, cosmetic dentistry takes a more artistic approach by enhancing the aesthetics of your smile. It involves various procedures that can correct dental imperfections, such as stains, chips, gaps, misalignment, and more.

Cosmetic Dentistry at Canyon Dental: A Comprehensive Range of Services

At Canyon Dental, we are proud to offer a wide range of cosmetic dentistry services tailored to the unique needs of our patients in Lewiston and Clarkston. Our goal is to help you achieve the smile you've always wanted. Here are some of the cosmetic dentistry procedures we provide:

  1. Teeth Whitening: Our professional teeth whitening treatments can effectively remove stains and discoloration, giving you a brighter and more vibrant smile.
  2. Dental Veneers: Dental veneers are thin, custom-made shells that are bonded to the front surface of your teeth to improve their appearance. They can address issues such as chipped, cracked, or misaligned teeth.
  3. Tooth-Colored Fillings: Instead of traditional amalgam fillings, we use tooth-colored fillings made of composite resin to repair cavities. These fillings are practically invisible, ensuring a natural-looking smile.
  4. Dental Implants: If you have missing teeth, dental implants can provide a permanent and natural-looking solution. These titanium implants are surgically placed into the jawbone and topped with a customized dental crown.
  5. Cosmetic Bonding: This procedure involves using a tooth-colored composite resin to repair chipped, cracked, or misshapen teeth, enhancing your smile's overall appearance.

These are just a few examples of the cosmetic dentistry services we offer at Canyon Dental. Whether you're looking to brighten your smile, straighten your teeth, or fix dental imperfections, Dr. Joe Schmidt and our expert team are here to help.

Why Choose a Cosmetic Dentist for Your Cosmetic Dentistry Needs?

While many general dentists offer basic cosmetic dental treatments, choosing a dedicated cosmetic dentist like Dr. Joe Schmidt is essential for optimal results. Here's why:

  1. Expertise and Specialization: Cosmetic dentists undergo additional education and training to specialize in cosmetic procedures. They possess in-depth knowledge of the latest techniques and technologies, ensuring that you receive the most advanced and effective treatments available. 
  2. Artistic Eye: Cosmetic dentistry is as much an art as it is a science. A skilled cosmetic dentist understands the importance of proportion, symmetry, and natural-looking results. They will carefully evaluate your unique facial features and design a treatment plan that enhances your smile's beauty and harmony.
  3. Customized Treatment Plans: Every smile is unique, and cosmetic dentistry should be tailored to your specific needs and goals. A cosmetic dentist will take the time to thoroughly assess your oral health, discuss your concerns and desires, and create a personalized treatment plan that will deliver the best possible results.
  4. Advanced Technology and Materials: Cosmetic dentists invest in state-of-the-art technology and high-quality materials to provide their patients with the best outcomes. At Canyon Dental, we take pride in using the latest dental technology and durable, aesthetically pleasing materials for all our cosmetic procedures.
  5. Comprehensive Approach: In addition to offering cosmetic treatments, a cosmetic dentist can also address any underlying oral health issues. This comprehensive approach ensures that your oral health is optimized while enhancing the appearance of your smile.

Experience the Difference at Canyon Dental

When it comes to cosmetic dentistry in Lewiston and Clarkston, choosing Dr. Joe Schmidt at Canyon Dental ensures that you're in capable hands. Our warm and caring team will make your dental experience comfortable and stress-free. We prioritize patient satisfaction and strive to surpass your expectations with every visit.

At Canyon Dental, we take pride in transforming smiles and changing lives. Contact us today at 509-758-7150 to schedule a consultation and take the first step toward achieving the smile of your dreams.


Cosmetic dentistry at Canyon Dental in Lewiston and Clarkston offers transformative solutions to enhance the appearance of your smile. Dr. Joe Schmidt and our dedicated team are committed to providing top-quality cosmetic dental services tailored to your unique needs. From teeth whitening to dental implants and everything in between, we have the expertise and technology to help you achieve your dream smile. Take the first step toward a more confident you by contacting us today.