Dental Implants Lewiston

Welcome to Canyon Dental, your trusted Lewiston dentist. We specialize in providing high-quality dental care to our patients, including dental implants. Dental implants are a popular and effective solution for replacing missing teeth and restoring a natural-looking smile. Our experienced professionals are committed to providing the best possible care and ensuring every patient feels comfortable and confident throughout the dental implant process.

Dental implants are artificial tooth roots surgically placed into the jawbone to support replacement teeth or bridges. They are made of titanium, a strong, durable, and compatible material with the human body. Dental implants look and function like natural teeth; with proper care, they can last a lifetime. At Canyon Dental, we understand the importance of a healthy, beautiful smile and are proud to offer dental implants as a solution for our patients.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are an excellent option for individuals missing one or more teeth. They offer the following benefits:

Natural Appearance

One of the main benefits of dental implants is that they look and feel like natural teeth. Dental implants are designed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth and are custom-made to match your existing teeth' color, shape, and size. With dental implants, you can enjoy a natural-looking smile that you'll be proud to show off.

Permanent Solution

Another benefit of dental implants is that they are a permanent solution for missing teeth. Unlike dentures or bridges, which may need to be replaced or adjusted over time, dental implants are designed to last a lifetime with proper care. This means that you can enjoy a stable and reliable solution for your missing teeth without the hassle of frequent replacements or adjustments.

Improved Oral Health

Dental implants can also improve your overall oral health. When you are missing teeth, the surrounding teeth can shift or become unstable, leading to a host of dental issues. Dental implants are designed to stabilize the surrounding teeth and prevent them from shifting, which can help to maintain the integrity of your remaining teeth. Additionally, dental implants stimulate the jawbone, which helps to prevent bone loss and maintain your facial structure.

Improved Self-Esteem and Confidence

Finally, dental implants can improve your self-esteem and confidence. Feeling confident in your smile or social situations can be difficult when you have missing teeth. Dental implants can help restore your smile and give you the confidence to face any situation easily. With dental implants, you can enjoy a natural-looking smile that you'll be proud to show off, which can have a positive impact on your overall well-being.

The Dental Implant Procedure

Dental implant surgery is a popular and effective solution for missing teeth. If you're considering dental implants in Lewiston, it's important to understand the procedure and what to expect.

Consultation and Treatment Planning

Before getting dental implants, you'll first need to schedule a consultation with a Lewiston dentist. During this consultation, the dentist will examine your mouth and take X-rays or other imaging to assess the health of your teeth and jawbone. They'll also discuss your medical history, lifestyle habits, and any medications you're taking.

Once the dentist determines that you're a good candidate for dental implants, they'll work with you to create a treatment plan. This plan will include the number of implants needed, the location of each implant, and any necessary preparations for the surgery.

The Surgery Process

The dental implant surgery itself typically involves several steps. First, the dentist will administer anesthesia to numb the area and ensure you're comfortable throughout the procedure. Then, they'll make a small incision in the gum tissue and drill a small hole in the jawbone to place the implant. After the implant is placed, the dentist will attach an abutment to the top of the implant, which serves as a connector between the implant and the replacement tooth. Finally, they'll attach the replacement tooth to the abutment, completing the process.

Recovery and Aftercare

After the dental implant surgery, you'll need to take special care of the area to ensure proper healing. This may include avoiding hard or chewy foods, using ice packs to reduce swelling, and taking any prescribed pain medication or antibiotics. The dentist may also schedule follow-up appointments to monitor your progress and adjust the treatment plan as necessary.

It's important to practice good oral hygiene habits after getting dental implants to maintain their longevity and prevent any complications. This includes brushing and flossing regularly, using an antibacterial mouthwash, and attending regular dental check-ups and cleanings. Getting dental implants is a multi-step process that requires careful planning and skilled execution. However, dental implants can provide a long-lasting and effective solution for missing teeth with proper care and attention.

Potential Risks and Complications

While dental implants are generally safe and effective, there are some potential risks and complications to be aware of. It's important to discuss these with your dentist and weigh the risks and benefits before deciding if dental implants are right for you.


As with any surgery, there is a risk of infection. This risk is typically low, but it's important to keep the implant site clean and follow your dentist's aftercare instructions to minimize the risk of infection.

Implant Failure

While rare, dental implants can fail. This may be due to poor integration with the bone or other factors. Your dentist will monitor the implant site closely to catch any potential issues early on.

Nerve Damage

Dental implants require a careful placement to avoid damaging surrounding nerves. In rare cases, nerve damage can occur, resulting in numbness or tingling in the lips, tongue, or cheeks.

Sinus Problems

Dental implants placed in the upper jaw may protrude into the sinus cavity, potentially causing sinus problems. Your dentist will carefully evaluate the position of the implant and may recommend additional procedures, such as a sinus lift, to ensure proper placement.

Allergic Reaction

While rare, some people may be allergic to the materials used in dental implants. This may cause swelling, redness, or other symptoms at the implant site.

Gum Recession

If the implant is not properly placed or the patient does not practice good oral hygiene, the gum tissue around the implant may recede, exposing the implant and potentially leading to infection or implant failure.

Jawbone Resorption

When a tooth is lost, the jawbone can begin to deteriorate over time. While dental implants can help prevent this by providing stimulation to the bone, in some cases, resorption can still occur, potentially causing the implant to become loose or fail.

Maintenance and Care for Dental Implants

Dental implants are a long-term investment in your oral health and overall well-being. Just like natural teeth, they require proper care and maintenance to ensure longevity and functionality. Here are some tips to help you take care of your dental implants:

Regular Dental Visits

It's important to continue regular dental check-ups and cleanings with your Lewiston dentist, even after getting dental implants. During these visits, your dentist will check the implants and surrounding tissues to ensure they are healthy and functioning properly.

Good Oral Hygiene

Good oral hygiene is essential for maintaining healthy dental implants. Brush your teeth twice a day with a soft-bristled brush and fluoride toothpaste. Floss at least once daily and use interdental brushes to clean hard-to-reach areas.

Avoid Hard Foods

Avoid biting on hard objects such as ice or hard candy, which can damage your dental implants. You should also avoid using your teeth to open packages or bottles, as this can cause damage to your implants.

Quit Smoking

Smoking can cause numerous oral health problems, including gum disease and implant failure. If you smoke, talk to your Lewiston dentist about ways to quit.

Wear a Mouthguard

If you participate in sports or other physical activities, wearing a mouthguard to protect your dental implants from trauma is important.

Follow Your Dentist's Instructions

Your dentist in Lewiston provides specific instructions for caring for your dental implants. Follow these instructions closely to ensure that your implants stay healthy and functional.


At Canyon Dental, we are committed to providing the highest quality dental care, including dental implants. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the benefits of dental implants.